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Second Honeymoon
Av James Patterson

Bok- presentation: |
Second Honeymoon |
Författar- presentation: |
James Patterson |
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When FBI agent John O'Hara receives a call from a man desperate for his help, little does he know his whole life will turn upside down. The man's son and daughter-in-law have been found murdered on their honeymoon in the Caribbean. He wants justice, and will pay O'Hara handsomely to hunt down the killer. Federal agents aren't allowed to moonlight, but O'Hara is on suspension. The drunk driver who
When FBI agent John O'Hara receives a call from a man desperate for his help, little does he know his whole life will turn upside down. The man's son and daughter-in-law have been found murdered on their honeymoon in the Caribbean. He wants justice, and will pay O'Hara handsomely to hunt down the killer. Federal agents aren't allowed to moonlight, but O'Hara is on suspension. The drunk driver who killed his wife in a car accident two years ago is soon to be released from jail, and O'Hara is battling some serious demons. He takes on the case, but when another couple are murdered before boarding their honeymoon flight to Rome, it becomes clear that this investigation is far more complicated than it first seemed. As O'Hara delves deeper, a past he thought was dead and buried soon comes back to haunt him.
Bok: 224811
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