Söker du efter "The Christmas Wedding" av James Patterson? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Christmas Wedding
Av James Patterson

Bok- presentation: |
The Christmas Wedding |
Författar- presentation: |
James Patterson |
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The tree is decorated, the cookies are baked, and the presents are wrapped, but the biggest celebration this Christmas is Gaby Summerhill's wedding. Since her husband died three years ago, Gaby's four children have drifted apart, each consumed by the turbulence of their own lives. They haven't celebrated Christmas together since their father's death, but when Gaby announces that she's getting married - and that the groom will remain a secret until the wedding day - she may finally be able to bring them home for the holidays. But the wedding isn't the only surprise - there is one more unexpected gift, and it could change all their lives for ever. With deeply affecting characters and the emotional twists of a James Patterson thriller, "The Christmas Wedding" is a fresh look at family and the magic of the festive season.
The tree is decorated, the cookies are baked, and the presents are wrapped, but the biggest celebration this Christmas is Gaby Summerhill's wedding. Since her husband died three years ago, Gaby's four children have drifted apart. They haven't celebrated Christmas together since their father's death.
Bok: 214534
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