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The Fire Witness
Av Lars Kepler

Bok- presentation: |
The Fire Witness |
Författar- presentation: |
Lars Kepler |
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The No 1 Swedish bestseller by the author of The Hypnotist and The Nightmare One girl is dead Detective Inspector Joona Linna has been called to a home for troubled girls, north of Stockholm. A young girl has been brutally murdered, her body arranged in bed with her hands covering her eyes. One girl is missing Vicky Bennet is the only girl unaccounted for. Did she run away to escape the chaos or
The No 1 Swedish bestseller by the author of The Hypnotist and The Nightmare One girl is dead Detective Inspector Joona Linna has been called to a home for troubled girls, north of Stockholm. A young girl has been brutally murdered, her body arranged in bed with her hands covering her eyes. One girl is missing Vicky Bennet is the only girl unaccounted for. Did she run away to escape the chaos or does a bloody hammer found under her pillow make her the prime suspect? One girl claims to have witnessed it all In Stockholm, Flora Hansen works as a medium, pretending to commune with the dead. When she begins to suffer crippling visions of the young girl's murder, will anyone believe her? As Joona refuses to accept the easy answers, his search leads him into darker, more violent territory, and, finally, to a shocking confrontation with his past.
Bok: 215442
Anmäl textfel
Lars Kepler
Lars Kepler är en pseudonym för paret Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril och Alexander Ahndoril. När deras första bok kom valde de att vara anonyma innan de avslöjades av tidningen Aftonbladet.