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The Hypnotist
Av Lars Kepler

Bok- presentation: |
The Hypnotist |
Författar- presentation: |
Lars Kepler |
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Originaltitel: | Hypnotisören |
You need clues.
You need time.
You need a motive.
You won't have any of them.
Tumba, Sweden - A triple murder, all the same family.
The killer is at large, and it looks as if the elder sister escaped the carnage. But she is missing and it seems only a matter of time until she too is murdered.
Detective Inspector Joona Linna demands to investigate the grisly aftermath -- against the wishes of the national police.
Where can Linna begin? The only surviving witness is the boy, Josef, whose mother, father and little sister were killed before his eyes, and he's in shutdown, comatose with shock.
Obsessed and desperate, Linna turns to disgraced specialist Erik Maria Bark!
You need clues. You need time. You need a motive. You won't have any of them.
Bok: 213910
Anmäl textfel
Lars Kepler
Lars Kepler är en pseudonym för paret Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril och Alexander Ahndoril. När deras första bok kom valde de att vara anonyma innan de avslöjades av tidningen Aftonbladet.