Söker du efter "The Sandman" av Lars Kepler? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Sandman
Av Lars Kepler

Bok- presentation: |
The Sandman |
Författar- presentation: |
Lars Kepler |
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The No 1 Swedish thriller by the author of The Hypnotist and The Fire Witness
The No 1 Swedish thriller by the author of The Hypnotist and The Fire Witness He's Sweden's most prolific serial killer. Jurek Walter is serving a life sentence. Kept in solitary confinement, he is still considered extremely dangerous by psychiatric staff. He'll lull you into a sense of calm. Mikael knows him as "the sandman". Seven years ago, he was taken from his bed along with his sister. They are both presumed dead. He has one target left. When Mikael is discovered on a railway line, close to death, the hunt begins for his sister. To get to the truth, Detective Inspector Joona Linna will need to get closer than ever to the man who stripped him of a family; the man who wants Linna dead.
Bok: 237608
Anmäl textfel
Lars Kepler
Lars Kepler är en pseudonym för paret Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril och Alexander Ahndoril. När deras första bok kom valde de att vara anonyma innan de avslöjades av tidningen Aftonbladet.