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In Other Worlds
Av Margaret Atwood

Bok- presentation: |
In Other Worlds |
Författar- presentation: |
Margaret Atwood |
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From her days as a child reader in the 1940s, through her time at Harvard, where she studied the Victorian ancestors of the form, and later as a writer and reviewer, Margaret Atwood has always been fascinated with science fiction. Here she brings together three Ellmann lectures: 'Flying Rabbits' begins with her early rabbit superhero creations, and goes on to speculate about masks, capes, weakling alter egos and Things with Wings; 'Burning Bushes' travels into Victorian otherlands and beyond; and 'Dire Cartographies' investigates Utopias and Dystopias, including Atwood's own ventures into those constructions. In further essays Atwood explores and critiques the form, and elucidates the differences - as she sees them - between 'science fiction' proper, and 'speculative fiction', not to mention 'sword and sorcery', 'fantasy' and 'slipstream fiction'. In Other Worlds is a must.
Bok: 214738
Anmäl textfel
Margaret Atwood
Den kanadensiska författaren har givit ut över 50 böcker. Hon skriver allt från poesi och barnböcker till facklitteratur och teaterpjäser. Men mest känd är hon för sina romaner.