Söker du efter "Maddaddam Trilogy Box" av Margaret Atwood? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Maddaddam Trilogy Box
Av Margaret Atwood

Bok- presentation: |
Maddaddam Trilogy Box |
Författar- presentation: |
Margaret Atwood |
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A boxed set of the internationally celebrated speculative fiction trilogy from one of the most visionary authors of our time, Margaret Atwood.
A boxed set of the internationally celebrated speculative fiction trilogy from one of the most visionary authors of our time, Margaret Atwood.
Set in a darkly plausible future shaped by plagues, floods, and genetic engineering, these three novels take us from the end of the world to a brave new beginning. Thrilling, moving, a triumph of imagination, this trilogy confirms the ultimate endurance of humanity, community, and love.
The novels in this trilogy have been called "towering and intrepid" (The New Yorker), "gripping" (The New York Times), and "just about everything you could want" (The Washington Post).
Bok: 235159
Anmäl textfel
Margaret Atwood
Den kanadensiska författaren har givit ut över 50 böcker. Hon skriver allt från poesi och barnböcker till facklitteratur och teaterpjäser. Men mest känd är hon för sina romaner.