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Fast Cook - Delicious Low-Calorie Recipes to Get You Through your Fast Days
Av Mimi Spencer

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Fast Cook - Delicious Low-Calorie Recipes to Get You Through your Fast Days |
Författar- presentation: |
Mimi Spencer |
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NOT JUST FOR DIETERS... A BRILLIANT LOW-CAL COOKBOOK FOR EATING HEALTHILY EVERY DAY Fast Cook is the perfect adjunct to the original Fast Diet Recipe Book, offering a new repertoire of really fast Fast food to help you conquer hunger and lose weight with ease.
The Fast Diet has revolutionised the way we eat, and transformed the way we lose weight. In this stunning new cookbook, Mimi Spencer returns with more than 120 simple nutritious recipes to provide the definitive support system for the 5:2 diet. There are ideas here for everyone, with chapters ranging from Warming & Wonderful (comfort food for hungry days) to Lightning Quick Suppers (speed cooking for when you want to walk in the door and eat in ten minutes flat), along with a whole section devoted to substantial meals for men. Fast Cook is the perfect adjunct to the original Fast Diet Recipe Book, offering a new repertoire of really fast Fast food to help you conquer hunger and lose weight with ease.
Bok: 238298
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