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Monsieur Pain
Av Roberto Bolaño

Bok- presentation: |
Monsieur Pain |
Författar- presentation: |
Roberto Bolaño |
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Readers who have snacked on a writer such as Haruki Murakami will feast on Roberto Bolano' Sunday Times Cesar Vallejo, renowned Peruvian poet, lies dying in hospital he's hiccupping himself to death. When the doctors struggle to offer a diagnosis, his wife pins her hopes on the mesmerist and reclusive bachelor Pierre Pain. But after the appearance of two mysterious Spaniards, Monsieur Pain finds his access to the hospital barred and things soon go awry ...Set in the rainy, crepuscular streets of an unsettled 1938 Paris, Monsieur Pain merges the best of Borges with Edgar Allan Poe, and its dark blend of unrequited desire, guilt, grief and betrayal makes this a gripping noir conspiracy as rich as it is strange. Bolano writes with such elegance, verve and style and is immensely readable' Guardian His fiction was hallucinatory, haunting and experimental' Times Literary Supplement
Bok: 213244
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