Sophie Kinsella
Boken är skrattframkallande och lite småruggigt genant på samma gång"
En chick lit-roman full med fotnoter måste höra till undantagen. Jag har aldrig läst en roman med fotnoter förut, men greppet fungerar. Å andra sidan har jag heller inte läst Sophie Kinsella, eller Madeleine Wickham, tidigare. Hon använder sig av båda författarnamnen.
Huvudpersonen är den konflikträdda Poppy Wyatt – hon vill så gärna vara omtyckt av alla – och så försätter hon sig i den e...
Recension av profil:
Viola Kondracki
Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don't get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of...
Twenties Girl - Pocket
109 kr
At eighteen, Milly was up for anything. So when a friend asked her to marry him just so that he could stay in England, she didn't hesitate. To make it seem real she dressed up in weddin...
The Wedding Girl - Pocket
120 kr
Samantha is a high-powered lawyer in London. She works all hours, has no home life, and cares only about getting a partnership.She thrives on the pressure and adrenalin. Until one day s...
The undomestic goddess - Pocket
Finns i lager,
124 kr
It was Patrick's idea that they should have the tennis party. After all, he has the perfect setting - the White House, bought out of his bonuses as an investment banker. He hasn't actua...
The Tennis Party - Pocket
Finns i lager,
124 kr
Fleur is beautiful, unscrupulous, and has a large wardrobe of black designer suits. With the help of The Times announcements page she gatecrashes the funerals and memorial services of t...
The Gatecrasher - Pocket
Finns i lager,
136 kr
On a shimmeringly hot Sunday in May, Louise is at a neighbour's pool with her daughters - and glaring at her resentfully is her estranged husband Barnaby. While the children splash and ...
Swimming Pool Sunday - Pocket
Finns i lager,
124 kr
Surprise Me - Häftad
Finns i lager,
201 kr
Shopaholic to the Rescue - Pocket
109 kr
Shopaholic abroad - Pocket
109 kr
Rebecca Bloomwood is now happily married to Luke Brandon, and all her problems seem to be at an end. But suddenly into her life steps...a sister, of whose existence Becky had hitherto b...
Shopaholic & sister - Pocket
109 kr
Becky's life is blooming! She's working at London's newest fashion store The Look, house-hunting with husband Luke (her secret wish is a Shoe Room)...and she's pregnant! She couldn't be...
Shopaholic & baby - Pocket
Finns i lager,
124 kr
Lexi wakes up in a hospital bed after a car accident, thinking it's 2004 and she's a twenty-five-year old with crooked teeth and a disastrous love life. But, to her disbelief, she learn...
Remember Me? - Pocket
109 kr
Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) thought motherhood would be a breeze and that having a daughter was a dream come true - a shopping friend for life! But it's trickier than she thought - tw...
Mini Shopaholic - Pocket
109 kr
Three women, smart and successful, working in the fast and furious world of magazines, meet for cocktails and gossip once a month.
Roxanne: glamorous, self-confident, with a secret love...
Cocktail for Three - Pocket
Finns i lager,
136 kr
Can you keep a secret? - Pocket
109 kr
Liz and Jonathan are in trouble.They cant sell their old house.Here they are, stuck with two mortgages, mounting debts and a miserable adolescent daughter who hadn't wanted to move anyw...
A Desirable Residence - Pocket
Finns i lager,
124 kr
Anmäl textfel
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Sophie Kinsella
Poppy Wyatt ska egentligen njuta av sin möhippa på ett hotell i London när brandlarmet går och kaos bryter ut. Hennes telefon och den antika smaragdring som är hennes förlovningsring försvinner, men Poppy hittar en annan telefon som hon håller fast i för glatta livet, för på något sätt så skall den hjälpa henne att få tillbaka det som är hennes.
Sophie Kinsella
Becky Bloomwood har fått konkurrens - av sin egen dotter!
Becky B...
Sophie Kinsella
Lara har alltid haft en väldigt livfull fantasi. Men nu börjar äv...
Sophie Kinsella
Allas vår favorit-shopaholic är tillbaka med en bula på magen!
Sophie Kinsella
Tänk om du vaknade en morgon och hela ditt liv var perfekt...
En ...
Sophie Kinsella
Det här är berättelsen om en flicka som behöver ta det lugnt. Som...
Sophie Kinsella
Becky Bloomwood är tillbaka! Mer köpgalen och lika hysteriskt und...
Sophie Kinsella
av Sophie Kinsella
Något gammalt, något ny...
Sophie Kinsella
Det här är berättelsen om en flicka som behöver ta det lugnt. Som...
Sophie Kinsella
av Sophie Kinsella
Becky Bloomwood utvi...
Sophie Kinsella
av Sophie Kinsella
Tänk dig att någon skulle f...
Sophie Kinsella
Rebecca Bloomwood har en fantastisk våning i ett av Londons trend...
Sophie Kinsella
av Sophie Kinsella
Tänk dig att någon skulle f...
Sophie Kinsella
Rolig, fartfylld, läcker och överraskande - berättelsen om en eko...
Utgivning - andra språk
Sophie Kinsella
Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit ...
Sophie Kinsella
A couple of glasses of bubbly with the girls and Poppy's life has...
Sophie Kinsella
Liz and Jonathan are in trouble.They cant sell their old house.He...
Sophie Kinsella
On a shimmeringly hot Sunday in May, Louise is at a neighbour's p...
Sophie Kinsella
It was Patrick's idea that they should have the tennis party. Aft...
Sophie Kinsella
Fleur is beautiful, unscrupulous, and has a large wardrobe of bla...
Sophie Kinsella
At eighteen, Milly was up for anything. So when a friend asked he...
Sophie Kinsella
Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) thought motherhood would be a breez...
Sophie Kinsella
Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if...
Sophie Kinsella
For Rebecca Bloomwood, life is peachy. She has a job on morning T...
Sophie Kinsella
Meet Rebecca Bloomwood. She's a journalist. She spends her workin...
Sophie Kinsella
Lexi wakes up in a hospital bed after a car accident, thinking it...
Sophie Kinsella
Becky's life is blooming! She's working at London's newest fashio...
Sophie Kinsella
Rebecca Bloomwood has the dream job. She's a personal shopper, so...
Sophie Kinsella
Rebecca Bloomwood is now happily married to Luke Brandon, and all...
Sophie Kinsella
Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit ...
Sophie Kinsella
Three women, smart and successful, working in the fast and furiou...
Sophie Kinsella
Samantha is a high-powered lawyer in London. She works all hours,...
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