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Wedding Night
Av Sophie Kinsella

Bok- presentation: |
Wedding Night |
Författar- presentation: |
Sophie Kinsella |
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Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit to marriage. When her old boyfriend Ben reappears and reminds her of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. There will be no dates and no engagement - just a straight wedding march to the altar! Next comes the honeymoon on the Greek island where they first met. But not everyone is thrilled with Lottie and Ben's rushed marriage, and family and friends are determined to intervene. Will Lottie and Ben have a wedding night to remember or one to forget?
Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit to marriage. When her old flame Ben reappears and reminds her of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. There will be no dates and no engagement, just a straight wedding march to the altar.
Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit to marriage. When her old flame Ben reappears and reminds her of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. There will be no dates and no engagement, just a straight wedding march to the altar! Next comes the honeymoon on the Greek island where they first met. But not everyone is thrilled with Lottie and Ben's rushed marriage, and family and friends are determined to intervene. Will Lottie and Ben have a wedding night to remember...or one they hope to forget?
Bok: 211108
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