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The Burning Room
Av Michael Connelly

Bok- presentation: |
The Burning Room |
Författar- presentation: |
Michael Connelly |
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In the LAPD's Open Unsolved Unit, not many murder victims die almost a decade after the crime.
So when a man succumbs to complications from being shot by a stray bullet ten years earlier, Bosch catches a case in which the body is still fresh, but any other evidence is virtually non-existent.
In the LAPD's Open Unsolved Unit, not many murder victims die almost a decade after the crime.
So when a man succumbs to complications from being shot by a stray bullet ten years earlier, Bosch catches a case in which the body is still fresh, but any other evidence is virtually non-existent.
Now Bosch and his new partner, rookie Detective Lucia Soto, are tasked with solving what turns out to be a highly charged, politically sensitive case. Starting with the bullet that's been lodged for years in the victim's spine, they must pull new leads from years-old information which soon reveals that this shooting may have been anything but random.
Bok: 235265
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Michael Connelly
Michael Connelly är en amerikansk författare och journalist. Han är mest känd för sin deckarserie om "Hieronymus ' 'Harry' Bosch", en LA-polis som arbetar som privatdetektiv. Han har prisats fleratalet gånger, bland annat belönades hans debutroman, "Svart Eko" med Edgarpriset för bästa debutant i deckar-genren.