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The Late Show
Av Michael Connelly
Bok- presentation: |
The Late Show |
Författar- presentation: |
Michael Connelly |
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os Angeles can be a dangerous city - never more so than in the dead of night. Detective Ren?e Ballard, once one of the department's young hotshots, now works 'The Late Show', the notorious graveyard shift at the LAPD.
It's a thankless job keeping strange hours in a twilight world of tragedy and violence, handing over her investigations as the sun rises, never getting closure.
Some nights are worse than others. And tonight is the worst yet. Two cases: a brutal assault, and a multiple murder with no suspect.
Ballard knows it is always darkest before dawn. But what she doesn't know is how deep her dual investigation will take her into the dark heart of her city, her department and her past...
If you're already a fan you'll love THE LATE SHOW. If you haven't read a Connelly book yet: now is the perfect time to start.
Bok: 290661
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Michael Connelly
Michael Connelly är en amerikansk författare och journalist. Han är mest känd för sin deckarserie om "Hieronymus ' 'Harry' Bosch", en LA-polis som arbetar som privatdetektiv. Han har prisats fleratalet gånger, bland annat belönades hans debutroman, "Svart Eko" med Edgarpriset för bästa debutant i deckar-genren.