Söker du efter "The Law of Innocence" av Michael Connelly? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Law of Innocence
Av Michael Connelly
Bok- presentation: |
The Law of Innocence |
Författar- presentation: |
Michael Connelly |
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Heading home after winning his latest case, defense attorney Mickey Haller - The Lincoln Lawyer - is pulled over by the police. They open the trunk of his car to find the body of a former client.
Haller knows the law inside out. He will be charged with murder. He will have to build his case from behind bars. And the trial will be the trial of his life.
Because Mickey Haller will defend himself in court.
With watertight evidence stacked against him, Haller will need every trick in the book to prove he was framed.
But a not-guilty verdict isn't enough. In order to truly walk free, Haller knows he must find the real killer - that is the law of innocence...
Bok: 305177
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Michael Connelly
Michael Connelly är en amerikansk författare och journalist. Han är mest känd för sin deckarserie om "Hieronymus ' 'Harry' Bosch", en LA-polis som arbetar som privatdetektiv. Han har prisats fleratalet gånger, bland annat belönades hans debutroman, "Svart Eko" med Edgarpriset för bästa debutant i deckar-genren.