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The Drop
Av Michael Connelly

Bok- presentation: |
The Drop |
Författar- presentation: |
Michael Connelly |
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Harry Bosch is facing the end of the line. He's been put on the DROP - Deferred Retirement Option Plan - and given three years before his retirement is enforced.
Seeing the end of the mission coming, he's anxious for cases. He doesn't have to wait long.
First a cold case gets a DNA hit for a rape and murder which points the finger at a 29-year-old convicted rapist who was only eight at the time of the murder. Then a city councilman's son is found dead - fallen or pushed from a hotel window - and he insists on Bosch taking the case despite the two men's history of enmity.
The cases seem to be unrelated; one leads to the discovery of a killer operating in the city for as many as three decades, the other to a deep political conspiracy that reached back into the dark history of the police department...
When evidence links a brutal murder in 1989 to a convicted rapist named Clayton Pell, the case should be water-tight. Pell's DNA was found on the victim - but he was only eight years old at the time. This not the only mystery Harry Bosch has to solve. A man jumped - or was pushed - from a window. The victim's father is Councilman Irving, who's been intent on destroying Harry's career for years. N
When evidence links a brutal murder in 1989 to a convicted rapist named Clayton Pell, the case should be water-tight. Pell's DNA was found on the victim - but he was only eight years old at the time. This not the only mystery Harry Bosch has to solve. A man jumped - or was pushed - from a window. The victim's father is Councilman Irving, who's been intent on destroying Harry's career for years. Now Irving wants Harry to head up the investigation. Harry uncovers traces of two of the city's deepest secrets: a killer operating for as many as three decades without being detected, and a conspiracy that goes back into the dark history of the police department ...
Bok: 213962
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Michael Connelly
Michael Connelly är en amerikansk författare och journalist. Han är mest känd för sin deckarserie om "Hieronymus ' 'Harry' Bosch", en LA-polis som arbetar som privatdetektiv. Han har prisats fleratalet gånger, bland annat belönades hans debutroman, "Svart Eko" med Edgarpriset för bästa debutant i deckar-genren.